Dayspring Academy's Science Fair Portal
Research Log Book
This is a new item added to the Science Fair process. This should be a 3 prong folder. The cover should have the same information as your science fair log book: Your project, your name, your grade and teacher, and Dayspring Academy in ink or Sharpie Marker. The information that needs to go in here is all of your research for the project. The first item in here should be a bibliography page. This page should be a lined sheet of paper with a running list of all the resources you have used. As you use a source write down the information that you need for the bibliography, best if you actually put it in MLA format.
After this you will be creating work for each source. If it is a book or magazine you need to write the bibliography information at the top of a lined piece of paper. You will then write the page number and then summarize the information you are getting from the source for use in your paper or in general. If it is a magazine you should copy the pages and use a highlighter to highlight key phrases and place under the summary.
If you are using an internet source, you need to print up the web article and highlight your key phrases just like a magazine. If you are using an online magazine not a magazines website you can site this as a normal magazine article.
When you are complete with this research log book you will have all of the research in one handy place and you will have a bibliography ready for your paper.